Age Groups

10175959_10152161698694563_9192208862538979229_nThe Scouting programme is split into 4 different age groups for the delivery of our programme:

 Section  School Years Ages  Meeting Nights  Meeting Times
 Keas  1-3 5 – 8  Mondays 5:15 – 6:15 pm
 Cubs  4-6 8 – 10½  Mondays or Tuesdays 6:30 – 8:00 pm
 Scouts  6-10 10 – 15  Thursdays 7:00 – 9:00 pm
 Venturers  10-13 14½ – 18½  Thursdays 7:00 – 9:00 pm

At Keas, the aim is to have heaps of fun and introduce you to a range of outdoor experiences whereby you can start to gain some confidence and a love of the outdoor adventure playground that we live in.

When you move up to Cubs we will expand on the above experiences and you will start to learn some of the basic skills around these activities and teamwork will start to play a bigger part.

At Scouts, leadership gets added into the teamwork mix and we take on more challenging tasks while having fun at the same time.

The opportunities once you get to Venturers are limitless and you will be responsible for setting the focus of the programme. It will build on everything you have done from Keas right through to Venturers.

Activities include: camping and tramping, campfires, pioneering, rowing, sailing, canoeing, building rafts, swimming, travelling around the country,  meeting new friends and testing your skills against your peers. Mountain & Bush Craft skills training, Jamborees and the National Scout Flying school…

Click on the drop-down menus to find out more information about each section.


Location Belmont Scout Hall, Norfolk Street, Belmont Domain E-mail Hours Keas: Mondays 5:15-6:15pm - Cubs: Mondays or Tuesdays 6:30-8pm - Scouts: Thursdays 7-9pm - Venturers: Thursdays 7-9pm
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